Welcome to Family Unit Trust

We are Cancer Champions creating awareness

At Family Unit Trust , we promote and protect the health of the public through provision of information and raising of public awareness and understanding of the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment of all forms of cancer and we also provide practical support to people affected by cancer.  

Family Unit Trust is here to support you overcome cancer

We promote and protect the health of the public through provision of information and raising of public understanding of the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment of all forms of cancer and we also provide practical support to people affected by cancer.

Raising Awareness

Promoting and protecting the health of the public through provision of information and raising of public understanding of the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure of all forms of cancer.

Developing Champions

Our cancer champions are at the heart of our cancer awareness and support. Our Cancer Champions are everyday people who who volunteer their time to fight cancer.

Providing Support

We offer support throughout the whole diagnosis – at the beginning, during and after treatment. Cancer can affect everything: health, relationships, finances and more.

Working with BAME Communities

Improving awareness of cancer risk factors, signs and symptoms and cancer services among BAME communities and encouraging voluntary uptake of cancer streening.

Learn About Us

We are many things to people affected by cancer.

Get involved

Campaign, volunteer, fundraise, donate – there are many ways to get involved.


We welcome gifts of any size, either single or monthly.

Our Funders